Edited from the Ohioans for Workplace Freedom website:
Earlier this year, Indiana became the 23rd workplace freedom state. Now, Michigan will be embracing workplace freedom – AKA “right to work” - to become the 24th....
This is a summary of a multi-part series by Matt Mayer, with some editorial additions, on what happened in Ohio through the 2012 election cycle. How did Obama win?
Why should you listen to Matt...
Some thoughts on Dr. Ron Paul, and a copy of his farewell speech delivered on Nov 14th on the floor of the US House of Representatives.
Love him or hate him, Ron Paul has defined...
For those concerned with what will become of Obama’s federal takeover of healthcare after the election, this is a must read.
Michael Cannon from the Cato Institute, one of America’s leading experts on healthcare in...
There has been a lot of soul searching in the wake of this election, and everyone is looking at the result in a different way.
No matter what you are thinking, and no matter what...
The Republic did NOT die. We DO have a future, and I believe it is brighter than ever. The philosophy of liberty is alive and well. It’s just so hard to see because we...
From 1851 Center for Constitutional Law Press Release on October 31, 2012
Chris editorial: If possible - please donate to the 1851 Center here. There are so few legal centers willing to take on cases...