



In Wake of Healthcare Ruling, Focus on Ohio

A statement from the Ohio Project board (Healthcare Freedom Amendment) was just released. As a member of this group, I wanted to re-post the statement and add a few editorial comments below. My comments...

Kasich and Ohio Legislature “spread the wealth around”

Before I delve into the new wealth redistribution scheme from the Kasich administration, the proposed 400% increase in Ohio’s severance tax, - in my last blog about Kasich going down hill, I linked the...

Liberty group leaders – what is your objective?

Liberty group leader - what is your objective? I’ve asked this question to hundreds of people, and at any given time only a handful of people have a definitive idea of what they are...

Kasich Following Obama Policies

I wish that headline weren't true. Unfortunately, it is. Would you imagine these things happened under Kasich or Obama? 1. Spending increasing every year since he took office with future budgets proposing even more. 2. Government...

Ohio: Breaking Free From Our Chains

Littleton Editorial: Before you dig into the debacle that is Ohio’s economy and the latest report from the Buckeye Institute below, keep in mind there is just one thing, above all others, that would...

Are you a “Socialist” Conservative?

Since my roots in political engagement started in the new “liberty movement” way back in 2008, I’ve been privy to planning, starting, attending, watching or working with more liberty groups across Ohio and the...

Killing the Economy One Fraud at a Time – The Fed

Blog concisely and accurately dispels central banking and central planning in just a few words. For those who are wrestling with a basic understanding of free markets and the problem that is the Federal Reserve.

If not for Ohio’s political class…

Reading the Buckeye Institute's latest "Ohio by the Numbers" for March of 2012, I am reminded... To have a prosperous state where people can pursue their individual happiness and dreams, we need an in-check state...

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