Confusion Over the Coronavirus Mortality Rate, Comparing Apples to Oranges

Mark Twain once said, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” He was right. It's all about how you look at data. During the virus induced panic, public policy is...

My Top Movies of the 1980s

After a recent social media discussion over best movies of the 1980’s, I couldn’t resist putting together my own list. It took about 1 minute of list creation to discover that my favorite 80s...

Rand Paul’s Obamacare Replacement

I haven't actively written about politics or public policy in years, but Senator Rand Paul's Obamacare replacement proposal is worth talking about. In full text below, Dr. Paul's new bill addresses the two biggest problems...

Why Conservative Ohioans Oppose John Kasich

As someone who was deeply involved in the Republican and conservative political scene in Ohio for many of the Kasich years, I want to shed some light on John Kasich’s history as Governor. It’s...

2015 Littleton Family Highlights

Celebrating our first full year in Tennessee, 2015 was another wonderful year for our family. The kids completed their first full year at Middle Tennessee Christian School respectively entering Pre-K4, 3rd and 5th grade...

Misunderstanding the Gay Marriage Decision

This piece is not about the legal interpretation or effects of the SCOTUS decision concerning gay marriage in the US, states rights, the regular misuse of the 14th amendment or even the impact on...

How Elections are “rigged”

A great friend explains what most people do not understand about politics. "Below is a chart I sometimes use in presentations to explain the influence central committees can have on elections. Once it "clicks" and...

Thinking About Cutting Cable? Me Too!

Just weeks away from HBO programming no longer being tied to a cable subscription, and like almost 10 million other Americans, our family will soon be dropping cable/satellite programming. My wife and I have...