Obama events across Ohio: why free people should care


I sometimes forget the size and scope of organizing that’s happening across Ohio for this Presidential campaign season. To remind myself, I take a look at the events the Obama campaign has scheduled on any given day.

Here is a snaphot of events scheduled for the Obama campaign over the next couple weeks around Ohio:

Cincinnati – 88 events within 35 miles, Dayton  – 76 events within 35 miles, Columbus – 95 events within 35 miles, Cleveland – 91 events within 35 miles. At any given moment, the Obama campaign has hundreds and sometimes over a thousand events scheduled.

As anyone reading this knows, I’ve been particular careful not to paint Obama as the be-all, end-all in politics. I even went so far as to write a piece called, Obama Isn’t the Enemy, where I talk about a far more fundamental shift that needs to occur in order for us to fix the Republic – a shift from the ground up, which will never come from DC.

With that said, you’ve got to admire the organization of the Obama campaign. It’s just amazing. This is the result of years’ worth of attention to the process and countless hours spent on coalition building. This proves the ability of a well-organized campaign to establish a return path back to supporters and activate them in short periods of time.

The “left” has perfected the art of impacting elections. They understand that each person in a local area can make a difference, and they have done an incredible job of empowering individuals who care to play a larger role in helping out their causes.

Liberty loving people must organize

Without the ability to impact elections at a local level, politicians and parties on both sides will continue to run over people since they know you are no threat to them. We need to learn their techniques and start making a difference for the cause of liberty. Some groups have, and wow is it making a difference!

The Clermont County Tea Party is transforming politics from the ground up, and their hard work has paid off. Through various efforts, they have successfully knocked off an incumbent Congressman (Jean Schmidt in OH-2), a county prosecutor, been instrumental in the placement of a new county commissioner and helped dozens of others successfully run for local offices.

All liberty groups should learn how to push a local campaign to victory or help freedom-friendly candidates in any given year, just like this group.

SPECIAL NOTE – the Clermont County Tea Party is NOT working with the Republican Party or any campaign. They are doing their own thing, on their terms, with their own resources and their own people. The party doesn’t drive them. They drive the party. See these pictures from their precinct preparation night as they prepare for literature drops across Clermont County.

The problem is much bigger than Obama or any one election, so I hope more people will consider learning about the tools the Clermont County Tea Party uses to facilitate change from the ground up – without depending on any political party in the process. Those tools can be learned at workshops hosted by a group called American Majority, a political training institute for liberty minded people.

American Majority asked me to help them with these workshops in Ohio in 2012. I immediately recruited Ted Stevenot, the founder of the Clermont County Tea Party to help because I knew they were the most well organized group in Ohio. With each workshop we teach – I am reminded of the urgency for this level of organizing. For liberty minded people to stand a chance, we must do much better with organization and execution.

Own the tools to make a difference well past this election. Do not rely on parties and elected officials. Privatize the political infrastructure, and keep pushing the R3VOLUTION!

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